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I have more than 20 years experience working in the IT industry.  For much of this time I was an analyst, designer and developer for high volume on line transaction processing systems.

My work has instilled in me the need for quality and attention to detail in system development.

By quality I mean our systems should fully meet customer expectations both in the functionality and performance they provide.

I want our attention to detail to set us apart.  By going the extra mile and spending a little extra time early in a project we can deliver a quality product more quickly.

Where possible we use open source software.   By building on the work of others we can provide quality software at a much lower cost than would otherwise be possible.

When open source software provides critical business functionality we only use it after fully understanding it and being able to enhance and maintain it.  We must be certain of its quality before we use it.

Often open source software is part of the web infrastructure, for example the MySQL database.  We are assured of its quality because its industry wide acceptance and usage.

Please see the Open Source Case for Business to see what the open source model can offer the business world.

We also use open source software on our desktops, laptops and servers.  You too can use easily download and use this free software.

Ubuntu operating system used by 20 million people worldwide every day.

Libreoffice personal productivity suite.

Joomla® one of the world’s most popular content management systems.

GIMP GNU Image Manipulation Program.

Inkscape vector graphics editor.

Geany text editor with basic features of an integrated development environment.

Firefox web browser.